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A serendipitous spray to utilize before bed time or throughout the day to calm irritated skin & emotions. An exotic blend of oils that leave a subtle scent, which blesses both physical & emotional bodies.

Blend benefits:

~Lavender: The most versatile oils of all, works wonders on skin conditions, especially burns & scars. The ultimate sleepy time herb, brings a relaxed state of mind forward & soothes anxieties. Restores peace to ease one into rest & reset.

~Neroli: A joyful oil from the blossoms of orange citrus fruit. Neroli is known to reduce anxiety & may also be of assistance in sensual arousal. Topically, it is useful in stimulating new cell growth & strengthens capillaries, making it an excellent alleviator of varicose veins. Soothing to even the most sensitive skin conditions, Neroli can ease the irritations of psoriasis, eczema, & dermatitis.

~Vetiver: One of the most grounding oils of all, probably being that it is made from the roots of Vetiver grass! Like a fine wine, vetiver oil also improves with age, & its deep undertones go more than skin deep. Topically, Vetiver is deeply regenerative to all layers of the skin. It balances activities of the sebaceous glands, bringing oily skin into harmony, helping to alleviate acne. It is particularly helpful for maturing skin, bringing moisture in & locking it in, uplifting complexion. Emotionally, it is known to appease worry & anxiety, helping to bring relaxation and induce restful sleep.

~Echinacea: Although echinacea is a well known internal powerhouse, she also has some incredible topical & emotional dimensions as well. On the skin, echinacea soothes redness, smooths irritations & gently cleanses. Emotionally, she brings an element of protection against unwanted energies & allows one to fully slip into a state of vulnerability & deep sleep.

~Rockrose: Resembles a wild rose, but is a special flower of its own. Well known in Egyptian elixirs where it was a complimentary skincare addition. Topically, it gives qualities helpful to skin imbalances due to its drying, toning, antiseptic, & cell rejuvenating nature. Overly sun-kissed skin will find relief in the healing & revitalizing nature of this oil. May act as a gentle aphrodisiac, or simply lend an uplifting quality to ones mood.

To utilize: Spray on face or pillow case before bed, before meditation, or to assist in relaxation. May add in as a part of your nightly routine to support sleep & skin health.

Made in love with organic ingredients: Rose H20, Witch hazel, Essential oils of: Lavender, Neroli, Vetiver, Echinacea, & Rockrose.

For external use only.

The information presented on our website is for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Myapothekeri products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please discontinue use & consult a doctor or healthcare professional if you have any negative reactions or medical concerns.

Amazing Face & Pillow Mist

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